Supporting Your Paths of Healing
and Spiritual Transformation
We are Nancy and Robert Evans and we are delighted to welcome you to Open Pathways. We invite you to explore how we may be able to help you achieve inspirational new levels of self-discovery and success!
​For more than 20 years we have been dedicated to helping people overcome stress, attain improved brain performance, and successfully achieve personal goals that often seemed unattainable.
Repeatedly, we have witnessed our students and clients strive with open hearts and open minds. Stretching from healing to enlightened insights. From newfound wisdom to self-love. And from newly empowered self-confidence to surprising new accomplishments! What a beautiful dance life can be!
We have been dedicated to our own growth and spiritual paths for over thirty years. And as spiritual teachers, it is always a privilege to help people discover their own unique gifts, true purpose, and their highest wisdom and power.
"Together, let's envision and create a world where our inspirations, focus, and actions lead to higher awareness and outcomes for EVERYONE."