Robert's Offerings...

"Love yourself and stop acting small.
You are the Universe in human form.
You are not just part of creation,
but creators of your own destiny."
Paraphrased from
the poet Rumi, Sufi Mystic
A Note from Robert:
Things are really messed up around the world. I know you know this deeply already.
Regardless, you have within you the inherent ability to harness and express your boundless powers because you are a Spirit-in-human-form. This is no less true for everyone around you.
​This is to say, the very same "gifts" that are found in God/Creator/Source are absolutely positively available to YOU, because you were created in God's/Creator's image. Truly, YOU are a precious and powerful individualized aspect of THE ONE, of SOURCE!
This means that your lineage runs from Creator... to your Spirit... to your Soul... to your Human-in-form-created-by-God's-Loving-Grace. If anything should stir your wonderment and spiritual self-exploration, it should be that!
Still, human forgetfulness and disempowering programming abound, making it hard for most people to readily wrap their heads around this reality.
But truth-is-truth. And aren't you one of the many who knows that there is more going on than meets the eye? And don't you have a premonition that there is meaning and purpose within you waiting to be embraced and made manifest? And don't you believe that you and everyone around you deserves to be able to live in safety, peace, joy, and contentment?
There are MANY like you! Hence we are witnessing more and more people awakening and remembering that life can be so much better... as we each open and uplift our hearts and minds... and bravely bridge our way to ever-greater healing, self-awareness, self-love, and service to humanity.
Please know this: You-Were-Made-For-THIS-Time! Even though many of these days may be difficult, YOU are here, now, on purpose, and with purpose!
You are NOT alone. Your Soul is always present and supporting you. And it wants to help you learn how to more effectively utilize your inner and higher wisdom, strength, and power. Likewise, you can learn how to access greater support from your Guides/Soul Friends/Angels. Their divine perspective and wise counsel will benefit you greatly.
So hang in there! Take care of you! Be gentle with you! And don't waste a moment seizing your next steps of self-discovery, self-love, and self-empowerment! ​​​
A Men's Group
It's been years since I've hosted a men's group. I have always found it deeply rewarding to be with men committed to evolving their/our understanding of who we are and how we can uplift our daily living in practical, profound ways. I'm sitting with when to put out an invitation to launch such a conversation again. Let me know if you find an interest in this.
An Exploration Group for People in Business & Community Leadership
A new epoch is unfolding before our eyes. And it requires everything to change down to the last blade of grass! This includes how we operate ALL of our institutions, as well as what our expectations must be about leadership and how we work, play, and create together. I'm preparing a series of conversations on this topic as well, including some mind-expanding workshops. Again, let me know if you find interest in this kind of thing.